well,it's my blog,aku punya pasal
to be frank.
i dont really like people who cares to kill others for sympathy.
jgn tnya byk.mcm mana?sndiri mau ingat!
i know tht i'm poor in managing time.
kadang2 kuar dgn dia pun jarang2.pernah ke?haha.
ive tried.tapi wtf
ok.to be frank.this whole week was a mess.
it's not tht i wanted to create ths.
mcm ne nak cakap.
bygkn situasi nih
kalu ko ad awek,ko trasa awek tak jaga ko.itu ko punya pasal.
ko yg rasa.tp on the othr hand.awek ko lak luahkn plak luahan tu
kat org len bende yg sama.
then who is rigth n who is wrong?
both team right!
mungkin perlu ad dua team.
satu team cowok2 yg tak dilayan
satu team cewek2 yg tak dilayan
ok.aku pun bukan perfect sgt.
tapi agak2 la kan.bile orang len pun ad prasaan
dem it tul.
hoho, keep it cool farouk
IDK what to say about this thing;
but you stay within the happiness all right?
@greyellow no prob.things come n goes.:) btw intern mana?
insya Allah intern kat Bangi, a small company la, unlike Shell :OP
@greyellow small company yet u r hving BIG project!
sape la yg dimarahi sgt tu..
btw sume org ader hak nk luahkan pe yg die rs..
kl ko rs die xbgus sgt..watpe ko still ngn die lg..
kl la manusie itu terbace blog ko nie..mkn dlm die beb..
n kenape die ckp mcm tu..mest bersebab..
kl dh rs xmampu nk bg mase ngn die o layan die..jgn la kapel..jgn wat pe2 komitment..
ni la bende yg ko kene hadapi kl kiter ber komitment..
@Anonymous thx for ur advice.
I do really wanted to know who r u.
so, be cool.intro urself.
aah..kl rs die tu xbgus..knape still nk bersame..tinggalkan suda..
tp penah x ko tnye knape die wat mcm tu..dlm hal mcm nie..2 2 silap..so kl masih ader cinta..cube la selamatkan..bincang pe yg patut..
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